Friday, November 7, 2008

わたしの フォールブレーク


わたしの フォールブレークは だいたい おもしろくないでしたから、たくさん べんきょうしました。わたしは おととい ケームストリーしけんを かかりました。そして、きのう フィシックスしけんを かかりました。ふたつの しけんは たのしくなかったですが、にほんごの はなすしけんは たのしいでしたよ。わたしは サンディーさんと じゅういちがつみっかに むずかしいにほんごの はなすしけんを かきました。それから、わたしは べんきょうが たくさん ありましたけれども、だいたい ねましたから、べんきょうは むずかしいでした。

とにかくの おもしろくないせんしゅうまつ、わたしは じゅういちがつよっか、かようびの ごごしちじから じゅういちじごろまで コンサートに いました。きっぷは たかいでした。さんじゅうよんドールでした。The alternative rock bands who performed at the concert were A Rocket to the Moon, Automatic Love Letter, Cute Is What We Aim For, and, the only reason I went: Secondhand Serenade.  The only songs I know from Secondhand Serenade were "Your Call," "Awake," and "Fall For You."  Nevertheless, most of their songs were catchy.  そして、とっても ロマンティックでした。わたしは ひとりで いきましたから、I had to be extra careful of my surroundings.  It was also my first time being inside an 18 and over venue (The Fillmore New York at Irving Place), where alcohol is served.  わたしは それが だいきらいでした。Nevertheless, I'm glad I went because although the music was loud, I enjoyed many of the songs played.

じゃ、that's pretty much all of my fall break.  ああ、the election on Tuesday!  As I was returning home on foot and by subway, people passed me on the streets, screaming Obama's name at the top of their lungs and jumping for joy.  I am happy that Obama won, but I don't really have a good reason because I don't really know anything about politics.  I just feel that if most people believe in him, I suppose I shall do the same.



Monday, October 20, 2008

ドラマを みました。

わたしは タイワニースの ドラマの フェーテドツラヴユーを みました。 ドラマは あいドラマです。「Fated to Love You」は とても おもしろくて、たのしいでした。If you're into romance, it's a drama to watch.  Not only is it lovely but also very funny at times.  Another fun, romantic comedy/drama is 「ぜったい かれし」or "Absolute Boyfriend."  にほんごの ドラマです。とても たのしいです。かれしは ロボットの かれしです。It's funny because the lead girl keeps denying that the robot is her boyfriend because she believes that loving a robot is not normal.  And no one knows he's a robot except for her.  ロボットの なまえは テンジナイトです。テンジナイトは リーコが あいしていますから、ドラマは かわいくて、こっけいですよ。


ラーオンキングの ブロードウェイプレイを みました。

わたしは じゅうがつなのか かようびに コロンビアの がくせいと ラーオンキングの ブロードウェイプレイを みました。 プレイは とっても おもしろいと たのしいでしたねえ。 わたしは ラーオンキングの うたが とっても だいすきですよ! そして、プロプスと コースチュンズが だいすきです。 いちばんの プレイは わたしの でした。 ラーオンキングの ブロードウェイプレイの きっぷは よんじゅうにドールでした。 でも、わたしたちの きっぷは ローテリから フリーでした。


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

こんしゅうは おもしろいですねえ。


I have a lot to say about what's been going on, drama-wise and theatre-wise.

So much has happened since I last wrote this post.  I shall post them separately under new topics.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

こんしゅうは たいへんですよ。

It's everything to do with my exams.  Oh well, I don't really want to think about it right now.  Hopefully, everything will be better after this week.

I hope things are going well for you.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

しっけんは らいしゅうです。


わたしは いまから らいしゅうまで べんきょうします。I sure have a lot to study, and on top of that, I also have to meet up with my team for Gateway.  I heard our assignment will take over a day to complete (@__@").

Slowly but surely, I am beginning to get used to the Columbia way-of-life.

じゃ、みなさん、しっけんに がんばって!


Monday, September 15, 2008

にほんごを べんきょうします

Nihongo is just A M A Z I N G !!!  I love the Japanese language and culture, and that is primarily why I wish to study Japanese.  I decided that the best discipline I could have in terms of learning the language is to take Japanese in college as an undergraduate.  I do want to learn Japanese to the point that I one day become fluent in the language.  Furthermore, speaking in Japanese is a lot more fun than speaking in English.

Apart from my keen interest in the language, I decided to study Japanese because I thought it would help me in a practical manner, in terms of my career.  Technology is evolving at a fast pace in Japan, and I wouldn't mind working there one day.  Furthermore, I love anime and manga (although since school has started here in Columbia, I have not yet found the time to watch/read them anymore! =/) . . . learning the Japanese language would greatly heighten my enjoyment factor in watching anime or reading manga.  Lastly, in terms of studying abroad, Japan is my top choice!  My goal is to study abroad in Japan for at least a semester or summer.

I am excited about every class because the energy is always so high.  Sure, I am afraid to raise my hand sometimes or to make a mistake should Nazikian-sensei call on me, but I enjoy and look forward to that challenge.  Furthermore, I am hoping to find time in my schedule to fit-in as many hours as possible for studying Japanese.  The problem is that my other five courses are quite the heavy loads themselves.  I spent over 20 hours (sadly, I counted) of homework this past weekend, and I still didn't finish homework for a few classes.  Wow, I really have to get used to this college business.  Time management certainly is key.

Since I took Japanese for two semesters in high school, I do not find the writing or understanding portion of the Japanese course difficult.  For me, the hiragana writing is review, for example.  Nevertheless, we hardly practiced speaking Japanese in high school, so I am not doing too well in speaking Japanese at the moment.  As I learned in just my first week of class, speaking Japanese on a comfortable and daily basis is harder than it seems.  Despite this fact, I am sure that with enough practice, I will be able to build more confidence in my speaking abilities.

I am glad to be blogging with you, my local and international classmates!